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A versatile creative duo, combining the roles of authors, creators, art directors and 3D creator, Pascal BERTHE, a seasoned art director with over 20 years' experience in the international audiovisual industry, and Jenniffer OCHOA, a psychologist with a passion for creating imaginary worlds, we combine our talents to bring our own extraordinary universes and worlds to life.


We don't just tell stories, we build them from scratch, giving shape to unique and captivating universes. Our words become images, our ideas come to life in three dimensions, and our concepts take shape under our deft fingers.


With a desire to offer a wide range of forms of expression, our stories can come to life in a variety of forms, adapted to different media and platforms. Whether through animated series, books or immersive experiences, we are able to bring our concepts to life in innovative and engaging ways.

Find their CVs and experience here

© 2023 Blue Cigaloo Studio

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